
How To Treat Blisters On Your Feet

5 min read
How To Treat Blisters On Your Feet How To Treat Blisters On Your Feet How To Treat Blisters On Your Feet

While we all wish that there was a magic wand that we could wave in order to make blisters instantly disappear, the reality is that we have to learn to live with and treat blisters the moment they form. Blister treatment comes in many shapes and forms, from over the counter treatments to home remedies that may help to alleviate discomfort. Knowing just what blisters are and how they may be formed can also help you to understand how to treat blisters on the feet.

Blisters usually form beneath the epidermis – the top layer of your skin – as a sac filled with fluid. Usually, this sac will be filled with clear liquid or, in some circumstances, blood. It depends on the injury that your damage skin has acquired. These blisters become painful or itchy, and in some cases can become infected.

Blisters come in a number of forms including blood, heat and friction.

What Is A Friction Blister And How Do They Form?

Put quite simply, a friction blister is caused by the continuous rubbing of the skin, and form when clear fluid builds up under the epidermis. Friction blisters are most commonly formed from walking too much in ill-fitted shoes, or by not wearing socks with shoes that require them, e.g. boots. If you are asking yourself “why do I get blisters on my feet?”, they are likely friction blisters and you should look into wearing shoes with a better fit.

Preventing Blisters

Preventing blisters can be as simple as wearing shoes that fit you well – but even then, you may find that the process of breaking in shoes can still cause blisters to form on your feet.

In order to prevent blisters on your feet, you should consider the following:

  • Wear properly fitted shoes and socks. This is perhaps the most apparent tip. Resist the urge to purchase and wear a new pair of shoes, even if they are only a half-size too large or too small: this will increase the likelihood of blisters forming. Similarly, wear appropriate socks with shoes that require them. Cotton socks will draw away moisture from the skin and lessen the formation of blisters. You may even need to double-up on socks if you’re breaking in a new pair of shoes or undertaking a long hike, for instance.
  • Use preventative padding. If you are prone to blisters on your ankles for instance, place a blister pad, a plaster bandage on your ankle before you even start wearing your shoes. This padding can also serve to protect existing blisters, providing foot blister relief. You may need to try a few different types of plaster bandages and padding, since not all of them will adhere to the skin perfectly.
  • Lubricate your feet before you begin exercise. This is another practice you can do before you even put on shoes and blisters begin to form. COMPEED® anti-blister sticks are effective in preventing friction and blistering, keeping you comfortable in your new shoes
  • Keep your feet dry. To reduce sweating, you can place talcum powder inside your shoes and socks to help soak up moisture throughout the day. This will go a long way when it comes to blister prevention.
  • Let your calluses be. You may be tempted to shave down unsightly calluses, but they have actually formed in order to protect your feet in certain places.

Treating Blisters

Have you tried every preventative measure above, but have found blisters on your feet regardless? In this is the case, it’s time to learn how to treat blisters.

Should I Pop My Blister?

Once you have found a blister forming on your foot, your first instinct may be to pop it. In most cases, the best thing to do is to let the blister be, as popping a blister can increase your risk of infection. Additionally, most blisters will heal and go away on their own.

Using Blister Plasters

COMPEED® blister plasters are an excellent form of blister treatment, as they have been specially designed to protect your blister while also creating an optimal environment for healing. In addition to this, they provide instant pain relief as well as deep cushioning to alleviate discomfort.

COMPEED® blister plasters are also available in a range of shapes and sizes to suit different applications and shoe types, including sports heel, high heel and blister plasters for toes. When applied to the blister, COMPEED® blister plasters absorb bodily liquids and cushion the blister, preventing the blister from developing further while helping new skin to grow underneath the plaster.

Are you looking for further ways to look after your feet and prevent blisters from forming? We have a range of useful tips available that will have you feeling comfortable and kicking off in no time.